Welcome to the Help Section and the Privacy & Accessibility Statement
for this site.
Have a nice day.
This is the official privacy and accessibility statement for the-i.org. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.
Privacy | Access Keys | Standards Compliance | Images | Cookies | JavaScript | Cascading Style Sheets | Unicode | Acronyms | Dates & Times | Disclaimer & Copyright | Site Map
Help Wanted: Telepath. You know where to apply.
This site, along with the majority of other sites around, automatically collects information about its visitors. This information may include your IP address, what user agent (browser) you are using, the resources on this site that you have accessed and the time and date of that access. Referrer information detailing what site, if any, brought you here may also be collected. Your IP is usually personally traceable back to you. By accessing any part of this site you agree that I may use this information, at my discretion, for any purpose whatsoever; appropriate privacy legislation withstanding.
This site allows users to leave short comments. You are required to state a name when leaving a comment, but you may use any inoffensive alias, whether it is your real name or not. When leaving a comment on this site you agree: that all comments become the property of myself, to do with as I see fit; to forfeit any claim of ownership or intellectual rights over your comment; that I may, at my discretion, edit, remove, paraphrase or otherwise alter said comment; and that the comment and the name you entered may be publicly viewable by anyone.
This site contains a contact form, which allows anyone to email me. Any email will be treated as confidential to the extent allowed by the law, however I reserve the right to publish or otherwise disseminate any site-related correspondence or part thereof either on this site or elsewhere, unless otherwise prohibited.
The chance of a piece of bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.
Most browsers support a method of jumping to specific links by pressing a combination of keys as defined by the web site. On Windows™, you can press ALT and an access key, on Macintosh™ you can press CONTROL and an access key.
This site supports the following access keys on each page (as applicable):
- Access key h – Home
- Access key a – About
- Access key p – Pictures
- Access key i – Intouch (Contact Information)
- Access key m – Music
- Access key l – Links
- Access key s – Search & Site Map
- Access key c – Copyright Information
The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.
All pages on this site are validated against the XHTML 1.1 standard, and the CSS used to style the pages validated as CSS 2.0. In addition, care has been taken to ensure the pages of this site meet all Priority 1 and Priority 2 checkpoints defined in the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, where applicable. This means that these pages should be accessible to anyone who uses a user agent capable of supporting the current web standards for viewing web pages.
It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its burial charges and blamed it on the cost of living.
I believe all pages on this site comply with the Section 508 guidelines published by the U.S. Federal Government. These guidelines are subjective and rely on personal judgement; however I have reviewed the guidelines and believe this site is in compliance.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
This site contains many images, with some sections being entirely devoted to the displaying of images. All images make use of the alt attribute to provide a short description, however, people unable or unwilling to view images will likely want to skip the sections of this site devoted to imagery.
Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups.
This site uses a session-based approach to prevent people from linking directly to files such as images, and bypassing the page in which they should be displayed. Unfortunately, due to the technologies involved, this will only work if your browser supports and accepts session cookies. If your browser does not support, or is not accepting, session cookies from this site, you will not be able to view media such as images. You should enable session cookies for this site, or get a browser that supports session cookies.
Cookies have received some bad press, and have come to be regarded by some as a privacy concern. This is generally an untrue and paranoid view – however, should you be one of the paranoid few who block cookies, I assure you that this site does not store any personally identifiable data in any cookies. Feel free to find and examine the cookie for yourself. It will contain only a session ID, used by this site to determine whether you are a valid user of this site, or someone who has attempted to access media from this site without first visiting this site.
Well if this is the wrong number, why did you answer it?
The contact page makes use of JavaScript to cloak my email address to prevent the automated collection of email addresses. If your browser does not support JavaScript or you have JavaScript disabled, you will not be able to contact me. JavaScript is also used aesthetically to provide certain features such as the pop-up copyright page, but these will work equally well, albeit less pleasantly, should JavaScript be disabled or unavailable.
Users with JavaScript disabled, or without JavaScript support will see a link to a “JavaScript Required” page.
Why is it called tourist season if we can’t shoot at them?
This site uses cascading style sheets for visual layout. If your browser does not support CSS, the contents of the site are still readable. Certain earlier versions of Netscape Navigator attempt to support CSS but fail dismally, and this site will not be viewable in these browsers. Any user still using such a version is urged to upgrade to a newer version of browser immediately. No attempt has been made to ensure compatibility with these versions of Netscape Navigator as I believe they should no longer be used by anybody anywhere.
Users with CSS disabled or without CSS support will see a link to a “CSS Required” page.
Anything that can become tangled around something else, will.
This site is transmitted as Unicode (utf-8). This is the most comprehensive and universally supported character set. Certain characters may not display correctly if your user agent does not support utf-8 encoded text.
A clean tie attracts the soup of the day.
Acronyms used throughout this site should contain a descriptive acronym tag, providing the expanded form of the acronym.
“How can a president not be an actor?” – when asked “How could an actor become president?” – Ronald Reagan
All dates use the logical DD-MM-CCYY (day-month-year) format, and not the backwards American style. 01-03-2001 would be the first of March, and not the third of January. All dates and times are given in GMT or UTC time. 12:00 noon is taken as 12 PM and 00:00 or 12:00 midnight is taken as 12 AM, however an unambiguous 24-hour version of the time is always provided with any 12-hour times to avoid confusion.
If you try and don’t succeed, cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie.
Please read the disclaimer and copyright information before viewing this site.
Alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.
Further information about the layout of this site and the location of its pages, including a search function, may be found from the site map.
This information is current as of January 2006 and valid until stated otherwise.