thei | Accept no imitations | PC

Photos > Computer > PC
<o]-[PC]-[Computer ►>

For those strange people who like looking at PC’s, here is mine, shortly after I bought it, and before I filled it with hard drives, and then fans in a vain attempt to keep it from overheating.


Looking South.


Looking North.


Looking East.


Looking West.

Date known but I am currently too lazy to look it up.

Photos > Computer > PC
<o]-[PC]-[Computer ►>

This page’s categories: Computer, Thei

Be amused or read my journal

+ Show this page’s comments.

Taylor >=D – April 6th, 2005: Your computer is so pretty! Can I have it? :)
bartman1 – August 15th, 2005: something like mine but more audio stuff
io – November 11th, 2008: Wow how your computers has [sic] changed...
Ned – November 19th, 2008: I should post a pic of my milk crate here... who needs cases and all that stuff anyway?

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