Photos > Macro > Bugs
<◄ Fungus]-[Bugs]-[
Yuk ►>
Beetles. And a bug.
It has been postulated that the Beetle Hunter above is not actually a beetle as such, and should not appear on the bugs and beetles page. Join the debate today.
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Photos > Macro > Bugs
<◄ Fungus]-[Bugs]-[
Yuk ►>
Beetles. And a bug.
It has been postulated that the Beetle Hunter above is not actually a beetle as such, and should not appear on the bugs and beetles page. Join the debate today.
Heather – December 17th, 2003: I think those jokes about the bugs are so cute. I hate bugs but your pictures make them cute!
Diana - 1/02/04: – January 3rd, 2004: I vote for Beetle Hunter to sit & stay! In summer our 3 dogs all sleep in the Rainforest Sleeping Bug position.