Photos > Ned > Hospital Stay
<◄ Thei - Thei - Thei - Thei - Thei]-[Hospital Stay]-[
The Thei Two ►>
Hospital Stay.
Warning: May contain unmitigated gore.
I got sick. I needed help.
Ah... This looks like a good place to get better.
I walked in.
They connected me up...
...and began sucking my life juices out.
The life juices did things.
Unmentionable things.
The force was connected.
Earth, Air, Fire...
...and Food.
I was stored here for a month.
Four of us together.
Until I was discharged, appearing unchanged to the outer world.
After my visit to...
...EarthStation Townsville, I once again resumed life as a normal human,
with no one any the wiser to my alteration.
The only give-away signs were easily covered.
But I fear, one day they will come back for me.
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Photos > Ned > Hospital Stay
<◄ Thei - Thei - Thei - Thei - Thei]-[Hospital Stay]-[
The Thei Two ►>
This page’s categories: People, Thei, Ned, Townsville