thei | Accept no imitations | Hospital Stay

Photos > People > Hospital Stay
<◄ Thei - Thei - Thei - Thei - Thei]-[Hospital Stay]-[The Thei Two ►>

Hospital Stay.

Warning: May contain unmitigated gore.

I got sick. I needed help.

Poison danger panic warning freak out

Ah... This looks like a good place to get better.

Long. Very long.

I walked in.

Never try this at home.

They connected me up...

Joy, bottled.

...and began sucking my life juices out.

Joy, not for human consumption.

The life juices did things.

Sexy girl

Unmentionable things.

Please, only try this with adult supervision.

The force was connected.

Earth, Air, Fire

Earth, Air, Fire...

Not for human consumption.

...and Food.

Here be dragons.

I was stored here for a month.

Lair of the amazing invisible man.

Four of us together.

He was released onto an unwitting world...

Until I was discharged, appearing unchanged to the outer world.







After my visit to...

EarthStation Townsville

...EarthStation Townsville, I once again resumed life as a normal human,
with no one any the wiser to my alteration.


The only give-away signs were easily covered.

Number One

Number Two




Proof life exists elsewhere.

But I fear, one day they will come back for me.

All that remained...

Take note of the alternative information given whilst hovering the mouse above an image.

Read the journal entry.

Photos > People > Hospital Stay
<◄ Thei - Thei - Thei - Thei - Thei]-[Hospital Stay]-[The Thei Two ►>

This page’s categories: People, Thei, Ned, Townsville

Be amused or read my journal

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