Photos > Thei > Food
<◄ The Thei Five]-[Food]-[
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I am a vegetarian and some people wonder what I eat.
The answer is obvious. Chocolate.
In the interests of fairness, I also eat some other foods, including this tabbouleh salad, complete with chapatti, olives, potato, salad, beetroot and cottage cheese. Plus a freshly squeezed orange juice.
A somewhat plainer meal, simply toast and a potato and cheese salad.
A vegetarian lasagne style dish with some potatos and peas.
A rice curry.
A light pasta salad.
My most common lunch, noodles. Fast and easy to make.
Just because I eat it doesn’t mean you can. I don’t want to hear from anyone who was killed or otherwise injured whilst attempting to make or consume any of these dishes. Not even dogs.
Photos > Thei > Food
<◄ The Thei Five]-[Food]-[
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