Photos > Thei > The Thei Two
<◄ Hospital Stay]-[The Thei Two]-[
The Thei Five ►>
He and I, the duo incarnate.
duodenum n. LME . [med.L (so called from its length
= twelve fingers’ breadth), f. L duodeni ] Anat. The first
portion of the small intestine immediately beyond the stomach, leading to
the jejunum. (jejunum – what a cool word)
jejunum n. M16
. [med.L, f. L adj. (sc. intestinum )
neut. of jejunus fasting: so called because usu. found to be empty
after death.] Anat. The second part of the small intestine, connecting
the duodenum and ileum.
jejune a. E17 . [L jejunus fasting,
barren, unproductive, meagre. Sense 2b perh. f. idea that wd is f. L juvenis young
(compar. junior ) or Fr. jeune young.] 2 Intellectually
unsatisfying, lacking substance, shallow, simplistic; dull, dry, insipid,
vapid. E17 . b Puerile, childish; naive. L19 . M17 . jejunely adv. E17
. jejuneness , jejunity ns. E17 .
June 24th, 2002
Photos > Thei > The Thei Two
<◄ Hospital Stay]-[The Thei Two]-[
The Thei Five ►>
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